Request transformer advanced kong

Request transformer advanced kong. com/hub/kong-inc/request-transformer-advanced/configuration/ What happened? The following fields do not mention that they For the request-transformer-advanced plugin, instances have been configured on a specific consumer_group. plugin is possible to get the http_status_code, examp&hellip; Jan 26, 2020 · I have created the service in Kong and the attached route, but I don’t know how to map the path of the request (/ lolo/lili) which is different from the path of the internal API (/ toto/titi). key=A. Hi team, I have tried removing query string using request_transformer. This value can only be used to update the path part of the URI, not the scheme, nor the hostname. Unset the consumer_group fields for the plugin, or upgrade Kong Gateway to a version >= 3. Supports validating the schema of the body and the parameters of the request using either Kong’s own schema validator (body only) or a JSON Schema Draft 4 compliant validator. Jul 29, 2019 · configured the request transformation plugin on a specific service/route with a remove Header operation. plugin: 在请求被代理到上游API之前或之后,在Kong内部执行操作的插件。. See the following table for plugins and their compatible scopes: Mar 30, 2023 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues; Kong version ($ kong version)2. Today I’m excited to announce that Kong has released six new open source AI plugins in Kong Gateway 3. So my question is if you have any plan to move the config. If using the KongPlugin object in Kubernetes, the field is plugin. Please help me with looping of the below program which need to executed in Kong. Added support for navigating nested JSON objects and arrays when transforming a JSON payload. Our Kong Gateway is deployed in dbless utilizing Kong Ingress Controller (KIC). Oct 18, 2017 · Stuck on an issue? Lightrun Answers was designed to reduce the constant googling that comes with debugging 3rd party libraries. plugins. These new plugins are available today and are entirely free and open source for everyone. body, header, etc. , a leading developer of cloud API technologies, today announced a suite of open-source AI plugins for Kong Gateway 3. config. This plugin transforms routing on the fly in Kong, changing the upstream server, port, or path to hit. bar/api/ -> {service-proxy Note: This chapter assumes that you are familiar with Lua. Kong >= 1. The Kong Admin API certificate object can be stored as a secret. return function (data) local s= data. x to Kong 1. Here's a list of all the parameters which can be used in this plugin's configuration: response-transformer-advanced . (See figure 1 below. Fortunately, we figured this out thanks to the Kong-Debug: 1 header. See Kong/kong-plugin-request-transformer This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. konghq. Then JWT with iss=A is created, let Kong identify the Consumer and apply the request-transformer rule associated. Removed the deprecated whitelist parameter. This is done globally for all our services. local x= s:sub(10 ) Jun 25, 2021 · Summary. Referenceable plugin fields. I'm trying to add customer header when kong is redirecting request to upstream target but that header is not added. Mar 28, 2023 · I am using Kong-transformer to reroute endpoints. namespace Scopes. We are using request-transformer-advanced plugin to replace the dynamic path in the request. return. Transform the request sent by a client on the fly on Kong, before hitting the upstream server. However, the route path will change based on the presence of a particular URL segment. We use path prefixes for routing, so each service is “namespaced” by a path prefix (e. From the plugin ordering settings, you can configure This can all be accomplished using a no-code solution and managed with no downtime using Kong’s dynamic administrative capabilities. apig-request-transformer. Whether this function considers X-Forwarded-Proto or not depends on several Kong configuration parameters: trusted_ips. org. headers optional. there is a Jan 27, 2023 · Kong GatewayのPoCをやっている時に、ある問題に遭いました。 PoCの要件は以下になる. The plugin will insert the "version" captured from the previous step in the uri. 3-enterprise-edition, trial version on aws). 0 in a “hack it to get it to work” kind of fashion. This determines plugin ordering during the access phase, and lets you create dynamic dependencies between plugins. Assign a new instance of the Request Transformer plugin to the mock service by sending a POST request to the Admin API. Feb 1, 2019 · They already have a plugin request-transformer-advanced to handle such case. This guide will show you how to configure the Request Transformer plugin using the Kong Admin API to modify incoming requests with a static constant value. Why is there an increase in nginx timers count in Kong version 3. Key-authプラグインでGateway全体を保護; Request-transformerプラグインで必要なAPI KeyをHeaderに付与し認証を突破; 二つのプラグインを設定した後、API keyをrequestに追加されても認証さ Feb 21, 2023 · They created a route that will catch anything in the request path that begins with the letter ‘p'. , /my-service), and each route for that service uses the prefix (e. If it is already set, a new header with the same name and the new value will be set. uri to the open source version of the plugin or if you have another suggestion on how we could accomplish our setup? foo. string. I want to remove X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port for all Consumers for one Service. statements [ 1…n ]). “headers . Using our example, we need to set the config. 14. Oct 3, 2019 · Unfortunately it does not seem to take uri captures into account so the request-transformer plugin can only do static replacement of uris EDIT: After further investigation this is possible. Oldest. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. 3) The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the response-transformer plugin on a service. body value instructs the plugin to add a new field to the body of incoming requests before forwarding them to the mock service. How to use the route-transformer-advanced plugin to modify only some part of the request path? ANSWER. These templates are described in the 'request Nov 28, 2017 · Kong Enterprise Edition’s request-transformer-advanced plugin supports something like you describe @Karthik_B 1 Like jdarling May 3, 2018, 9:22pm Kong Gateway can also handle more complex URL rewriting cases by using regular expression capture groups in the route path and the Request Transformer Advanced plugin. These fields are labelled as referenceable. See Response Transformer Advanced arrays and nested objects. Note: This plugin is labelled advanced because it is an Enterprise-only plugin. In short, the parameters work as below; But with Kong request-transformer plugin, you can realize it without creating a duplicated service entity of the same application. Only if the header from the config. rewrite. The following manifests does the trick of having multiple routes to one service with the path rewritten apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: docs annotations: plugins. These are not changes that are scheduled to be made public in the short term, maybe if I get time alotted to work on it further and submit a pull request, but I could probably tell you that rates very low on the priorty radar right now. Make the following request: Replace SERVICE_NAME|ID with the id or name of the service that this plugin configuration will target. To configure this setting in Konnect, go to Gateway Manager > Plugins, and then select Configure Dynamic Ordering from the context menu next to the plugin you want to configure. if not value then. If the param is set, its value will be replaced. Then we will test the feature with a mock request Oct 2, 2019 · However, the config. Solved: Configure the request-transformer in the Consumer. Documentation for Kong, the Cloud Connectivity Company for APIs and Microservices. Consumer with Credentials: JWT. master Changelog. 2. Apr 26, 2022 · 3. Kong version ($ kong version) 0. <plugin_name>. Newest. 5. method: SOAP Method for the SOAP request, e. dots_in_keys configuration parameter. It collects links to all the places you might be looking at while hunting down a tough bug. They did exactly what the documentation warned about. The instance name shows up in Kong Manager Oct 22, 2020 · Fig 1: Kong Reedelk Transformer plugin high-level architecture – downstream phase. on Oct 15, 2022. 2. append. Installation Mar 25, 2018 · So: the plugin transformer does not work. Nov 3, 2022 · if you are using the request-transformer Enterprise version you can do it. Our backend APIs have no idea what that prefix is Dec 18, 2023 · This seems like a naive question but I’ve never before tested this … with a plugin like request transformer, what is the difference in behavior between add a header and append a header? Looking at the source code for the basic version of the plugin, it looks like add will do nothing if a header already exists (which makes sense), but append will add the additional value in the plugin The Kong license, usually configured with a KONG_LICENSE_DATA environment variable, can be stored as a secret. service_id: The id of the Service which this plugin will target. Transform routing by changing the upstream server, port, or path. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the route-transformer-advanced plugin on a route. Changelog. rename_querystring. replace_body_params. Specifically, Specifically, Note on transforming bodies: Be aware of the performance of transformations on the response body. The six new plugins are AI Proxy, AI Request/Response Transformer, AI kong. I try to add urlencoded querystring parameter with this plugin. To generate the token, log in to your account, click on your username, then “Personal access token”, then press the “Generate token” button. Kong SOAP Transformer Plugin. Some plugins have fields that can be stored as secrets in a vault backend. Kong version (1. uri parameter to inject the function name in between /api and /oilers, then append the rest of the URI. replace. The plugin has been removed in the data plane node. statements[1]. 0 Current Behavior Following deployment with request transformer applied returns no routes found. instance_name. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example response-transformer_my-service . Kong forwards the HTTP request to the upstream service. Send the request to kong service/route using postman. For example: --data " Step 3: Apply the Request Transformer Advanced plugin. 6 that turn every Kong Gateway deployment into an AI Gateway. com Feb 15, 2024 · Kong Inc. The substitutions can be configured via flexible templates. To do so, the file kong. get_forwarded_scheme () Returns the scheme component of the request’s URL, but also considers X-Forwarded-Proto if it comes from a trusted source. 3. The last step performed is to remove the headers that were previously flagged for removal. From what I read here that does not seem to be possible. I prepared simple API that uses only Request Transformer and File Log plugins. To use a secret to as a header the correct format is to store the VALUE as seen below. You can see your available ingresses by running kubectl get service. Validate requests before they reach their upstream service. Additional Details & Logs. The route-transformer-advanced plugin allows to use any of the current request headers, query parameters, and captured URI groups as templates to populate supported config fields. For the example described above and assuming a RegEx path capture group named route_id, then the code would look something like this; local value = uri_captures. Global plugin: Plugin applies either to your entire environment, or if running Kong Gateway Enterprise, your entire workspace. Apr 30, 2019 · Kong Request Transformer Advanced plugin will it support to extract payload data and add in header #4561 Closed premaind opened this issue May 1, 2019 · 3 comments The advanced plugin adds the following abilities: When transforming a JSON payload, transformations are applied to nested JSON objects and arrays. Nov 3, 2022 · A Konnect personal access token (PAT). 4. x or later ships with a new router. Kong transforms uri path to /api/useful-endpoint and sends the request to a proxied server. But anyway, really looking forward to have such strip_path_prefix to be available for all. Using the Request Transformer plugin, we are transforming a query string to multiple headers. a path of /v1/api/xml should route to mockbin. Here's an example: apiVersion: configuration. Share Improve this answer Jun 27, 2019 · Request Transformer Plugin "Remove". Something like this: $((function() // do things with captured values // )()) It's been working fine for quite a while, but now we need to debug a border case. 1 compared to previous versions? Kong Gateway: Notice in logs: "response buffering was turned off: incompatible HTTP version (2)" Kong Gateway: How to configure AWS Lambda plugin when doing cross-account function invocation Where is the problem? https://docs. I tried put lua script loop but the above Kong plugin is not accepting the script. The advanced plugin adds the following abilities: When transforming a JSON payload, transformations are applied to nested JSON objects and arrays. add list does not exist in the request headers sent by the client is it is added. If the querystring is in the request, the field will be renamed but the value will remain the same. ) decK, installed locally, decK is a tool used to declaratively configure Kong Gateway. Previous Using templates as values. $ deck dump --headers "kong-admin-token:XXXXX" - 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway. Replace ROUTE_NAME|ID with the id or name of the route that this plugin configuration will target. header. In the kong admin UI, I set these parametes : config. 1. request. This improved transformation plugin allows you to interpolate variables in upstream request properties, all without having to write the Lua logic yourself, only an HTTP request to the May 22, 2020 · I'm trying to sync a declarative configuration with kong (version 1. KongPlugin metadata: name: ratelimit2 plugin: request-transformer-advanced config: Where is the problem? https://docs. ko Dec 13, 2023 · Hello Guys, we have kong enterprise installed into Openshift, and I am using Response Transformer Advenced plugin: I would like to know with in the option transform. Jul 20, 2022 · Kong version ($ kong version) 2. json: {. This header will likely be disabled in production environments — as it should — via a global response transformer Nov 30, 2023 · Normally, Kong response transformer plugin only allow for the transformation with given parameters in the response data e. handler must return a table with one or more May 22, 2022 · It's the intention of Kong to not log the body of requests/responses. “name”: “request-transformer”, “config”: {. The plugin now honors the value configured for the global parameter: untrusted_lua when Advanced templates are configured. Here is kong. May 21, 2019 · optional Updates the upstream request URI with given value. 6 that can turn any Kong Gateway deployment into an AI Gateway You can find them in the Request Validator configuration reference doc. 12, so as part of the migration we switched to services and routes. 32; A concise summary of the bug. set[string] N. See the to learn about region-specific URLs and personal access tokens. Querystring key:value pairs. deck dump works, but deck sync fails even without touching the synced file. The returned value is normalized to lowercase. route_id. Is it possible to replace the JSON property in the body response using the kong response-transformation plugin? if yes, how to can I accomplish it using the UI Konga? Example of a response body: [ May 15, 2019 · Starting with Kong 1. Nov 2, 2022 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Kong version ($ kong version) 3. 1 and 3. Support by: 术语. 当使用Kong时,Consumer 仅与 In this livestream, Michael Heap, Director of DevRel explores Kong Gateway's request transformation plugins (it's more interesting than it sounds, honest!)02 May 27, 2021 · Kong 3. Service: 表示外部 upstream API或微服务的Kong实体。. With an identical path between the request and the API path, it works well but when the paths are different, I don’t know how to do it … A tag already exists with the provided branch name. This is not supported in Kong Gateway versions < 3. It should ideally remove the configured header from the request but the native-service(API protected by Kong) still receives the header. This can be turned off and on using the config. The plugin implements parameter transformations and additions of various positions. Kong Gateway 3. Consumer with Plugin request-transformer: replace header. An API user makes an HTTP request to a Kong route. The Reedelk Transformer Plugin intercepts the response payload and invokes a Reedelk REST flow using Dec 23, 2015 · I use Kong latest version 0. Key-authプラグインでGateway全体を保護; Request-transformerプラグインで必要なAPI KeyをHeaderに付与し認証を突破; 二つのプラグインを設定した後、API keyをrequestに追加されても認証さ Where is the problem? https://docs. The documentation for the Response Transformer Advanced plugin notes potential performance issues when large bodies are received. Oct 15, 2022 · sivasubramani300890. The final check for headers to add is now done on the same list of request headers. 33; previously we were using Kong 0. 2) Configure the request transformer advanced plugin to append a header based on the captured information: config. 0 {"message":"no Route matched with those values"} Hot Network Questions Do I need to provide a date of birth when I register a work for copyright in the USA? Thus, you just need to set a route that will match the request without setting any query capture group in path. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the The name of the plugin to use, in this case: soap-request-transformer. The Response Transformer Advanced plugin is a superset of the open-source Response Transformer plugin. Route Transformer Advanced. Using decK with Kong Konnect contains the Nov 15, 2023 · I need to extend the functionality of a current Request Tranformer en Kong. Transform request and responses on the fly on Kong. Jan 14, 2020 · Configure transform using the Request Transformer plugin. Body parameters to replace in the request. Nov 20, 2019 · The documentation for the Request Transformer and Request Transformer Advanced seem to suggest this. , /my-service/healthz). It currently has a template value that parses certain captured values and overrides the uri of the request. cardnum. I’m surprised (and disappointed) that this is considered “Enterprise” level functionality. When transformed to add a field to the body, but the body is a large JSON it only sends the added field. This feature allows you to map the the captured path to a specific Upstream URI via Lua code. If using the Kong Admin API, Konnect API, declarative configuration, or decK files, the field is name. however, before i reroute, i want to replace a &quot;variable&quot; in the uri with a header value. This plugin supports llm/v1/chat style requests for all of the same providers as the AI Proxy plugin. Otherwise it will be ignored. If you want to use the capture groups in for example request transformer advanced plugin, you can just call the capture groups by the query name. A Kong Gateway plugin allows you to inject custom logic (in Lua) at several entry-points in the life-cycle of a request/response or a tcp stream connection as it is proxied by Kong Gateway. I want to add some headers to my incoming rest api requests with kong gateway. 8. Type: array of string elements List of headername:value pairs. Plugins can be scoped or global (without scope): Scoped plugin: Plugin applied to a specific service, route, or consumer. Gerardo_Cornejo June 27, 2019, 12:35pm 1. The upstream service sends the response back to Kong. 0. Examples: Passing multiple headers in one request Pass each header separately. 1. g. Below is example how it works: Set up example service/route: NOTE: The use of Secrets Management with the Request Transformer Advanced plugin was added in Kong 3. Consumer: 代表使用API的开发人员或机器的Kong实体。. 1, previous releases are not compatible. The next step is to configure the Request Transformer Advanced plugin on the route. ANSWER This article shows how to create a dynamic route path by using the request-transformer plugin. -. It also uses all of the same configuration and tuning parameters as the AI Proxy Sep 24, 2018 · My company recently upgraded to Kong Enterprise 0. 2 (about to be released at the end of May 2019), we will open source the request-transformer-advanced plugin (currently Enterprise only). @teunis90(Senior developer at Kong): The request/response body is left out of the logs on purpose as it is not bound (we don't want to log the response body of a video streaming service) and will likely never be, within Kong itself. route_id: The id of the Route which this plugin will target. yml file I'm using: If using the Kong Admin API, Konnect API, declarative configuration, or decK files, the field is name. One of the dynamic path contains hyphen(-) and when the request transformer plugin is applied the content after hyphen is removed. uri property is only available in the Enterprise version of the plugin (request-transformer-advanced). Replace SERVICE_NAME with the name of the service that this plugin configuration will target. but after this configuration , kong gives me a empty value. But it didn't helped to get right response. Request Transformer Advanced Apr 5, 2019 · The changes made to it are when we migrated from Kong 0. enabled: true: Whether this plugin will be applied. This plugin transformers a JSON request into a SOAP XML request, and then transforms corresponding SOAP XML response into a JSON response. If the header is not set, set it with the given value. Contribute to Kong/kong development by creating an account on GitHub. Add multiple headers by passing each header:value pair separately: Set up the Request Transformer plugin. Although it only available with Enterprise subscription. For example: Request for /useful-endpoint arrives at Kong. 1 Request Transformer Plugin (Plugin version tested with bundled and newest version with (luarocks install kong-plugin-request-transformer)) Current Behavior. Feb 15, 2024 · CTO and Co-Founder. add. In this command, the config. Top. #default-backend. Aug 22, 2022 · Loop through all cardnum in data. headers: TenantID: $(uri_captures['user_id'] 3) Configure the rate limiting plugin to limit requests based off a header value: How can I set the route to accept dynamically the number and change the path to "/myid/<id>" when sending the request to upstream? ANSWER To fulfil this use case, there is a section to use template from capture group with request transformer advanced plugin. headers: myheader: $ (consumer_id) myheader is a name for new header and I want to set variable of consumer_id value in these header. For example: a path of /v1/api/<anything> should route to httpbin. com/hub/kong-inc/request-transformer-advanced/configuration/ What happened? Under See Arrays and nested objects. Feb 6, 2020 · Configure Transform Using the Request Transformer Plugin. Note: The KongPlugin resource only needs to be defined once and can be applied to any service, consumer, or route in the namespace. For example, this can be used when you must replace /api/<function>/old with /new/api/<function>. QUESTION. Current Behavior. 3. “remove” : {. Route: 表示将下游请求映射到上游服务的方法的Kong实体。. Otherwise we have to create much more services and routes for the case… Dec 4, 2022 · Kong version ($ kong version) 2. We would like to be able to route a request to different hosts using the Route Transformer Advanced plugin. yaml apiVersion: NOTE: This is a copy/clone of the Kong private repo and should be used for reference purposes only. 6. x. There is no corresponding open-source plugin available. The AI Request Transformer plugin uses a configured LLM service to introspect and transform the client’s request body before proxying the request upstream. We also want do other specific transformations for a subset of a services. . Supported Kong Releases. RxScriptDetail: config. I am using the Request Transformer plugin and trying to delete an authorization header does not work, but if it works by adding a header, I use kong opensource. cm hu rm fm ef qb sr ct uu iq